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PATH [-C] [path1] [path2] [path3] ...

* PATH defines the command search path used by ZShell when searching
  for disk based commands (see  EXECUTING COMMANDS ) .
  If you give the "-c"  option , the old search path will be cleared
  and the new search path consist only of the given paths.

eg.     path -c c: ram:c df0: df1:
  This example will make it so that if you type a command which is
  not internal in ZShell, the  resident  list will be searched for it,
  then the current directory, then the c: directory, then the ram:c
  directory, then df0:, and finally df1:

* By omitting the -c  option , you can add a number of paths onto the
  existing command search path.
eg.     path df2:c
        path df1:bin df1:myprogs

* If, however, you type path with no parameters, the current search
  path will be displayed.

* When starting ZShell the paths of Workbench (if available) will be

Note: It is a crazy thing that AmigaDOS shell always has C: as last path.
  In my startup-sequence you can find something like:
  "path ram: c: sys:utilities sys:system s: sys:prefs"
  In AmigaDOS shell the C: directory will then be searched twice if a
  command could not be found. Only having C: as last path slows down
  access, because most commands are in C:.
  That is why you have to specify C: explicite in ZShell where you want it.